Fine Arts

               at the 
                         Creek …

Click on show title for dates, times and more information.

February (2004)
7th & 8th, 10AM to 4PM

“Woodcarver and Wood Turner Exhibit”

Woodcarvings, utilizing natural wood products, that depict wildlife, including flora, fauna and traditional American Indians.  

1st & 2nd

“Nature’s Palette,” Oil & Acrylic

Nature, wildlife or naturescapes, primarily in the medium of oil and/or acrylic paint.  

The Eagle Creek Park Fine Arts Committee would like to thank everyone who made this year’s Nature’s Palette possible. We would like to recognize our awards sponsor, UAW Local 933. We were able to give out monetary awards because of their generous donation. Also to be recognized, our featured artist, Mark Kelso who took time out of his busy schedule to exhibit and; paint at Lilly Lodge for the weekend. Another thank you goes to Kelly Bailey & MaryAnn Hawkins at the Brickyard Crossing Golf Resort & Inn who donated brunch for two and an overnight stay. Last but not least, a special thank you to all the volunteers and staff that assisted to make Nature’s Palette a success!

July 31st, August 1st

“Strokes of Nature,” Water Color / Pencil, Pastel Chalk

Nature, wildlife or naturescapes, may be watercolor, watercolor pencil, pastel, chalk, pencil, or pen and ink. 

2nd, 3rd & 9th, 10th

“Images of Nature,” Photography

Photographs by amateur and professional photographers who reside in Indiana. 

4th , 5th & 11th, 12th

“Celebration of Nature,” Mixed Medium

Prints, original art, sculpture, carvings or other 3 dimensional artwork depicting wildlife, nature, or naturescapes. 

Click on show title for dates, times and more information.